Visit by our Regional Bishop, Bp Kate Prowd, to our Patronal Festival, 22nd November 2020

On 22nd November Bp Kate Prowd visited Christ Church on the Occasion of our Patronal Festival (Christ the King) and was the Celebrant and Preacher at the 10am service. The date marked not only our Patronal Festival, but also the first day of services at Christ Church after the long shutdown due to the Corona Virus restrictions - so a double celebration!

Due to the continuing restrictions, the 10am service was held outdoors - with Organist Winton Barry accompanying the service using the pedal organ. The threatened rain held off until Bp Prowd's address but when she finished the decision was made to adjourn to shelter indoors, as the rain by that stage was getting quite steady! The combination of traffic noise and rain also meant that the recording of Bp Kate's address was a little difficult - but thanks to recording by Bruce Munro you can watch Bp Kate's address here (video 13:36) or listen to the audio of the sermon here (please note that as the recording took place outside, with rain and traffic noise, some of the sermon is hard to hear!).



...the flowers on 22nd November were donated by Jan Watson in memory of her husband Geoff

... and a very special guest at the 10am service was Barbara's granddaughter Winnifred ("Winnie") - daughter of Sarah and Andrew... and easily the youngest member of the congregation!

We at Christ Church were blessed to have Bp Kate with us, to lead us in prayer and worship, and to challenge us as we seek to resume our worship at church and to seek our next steps as a community of faith in Geelong.